Books Information

As a motivational speaker, advocate and community leader, Donna Cornell has dedicated her life to helping others. A successful entrepreneur, in her desire to help others, she initially  created an educational series titled, “The Power of the Woman Within,” as well as seminars, CDs and newsletters, captivating audiences nationwide, with her high-energy and inspiring message of success. Her message to help women continued in her book, “Conquering the Life Balance Hoax - One Woman’s Journey from Despair to Millionaire.” In this book written with an orientation to help women, Donna shatters the myth that women can ever truly lead a “balanced” life. Instead, using her own life experiences as examples, she offers advice on how she created a life filled with happiness and success.

Non gender specific, she uses her own journey to show others the path she took, creating a positive way to approach their lives, how to make wise choices, and introduces communication as a powerful tool to enhance her life at work and at home.  With Donna’s advice, you will be able to say goodbye to stress, stop chasing the elusive balance and instead take this road to discovery, finding strength to implement strategies to take your life to the next level.

As a career and life coach Donna has gained extraordinary knowledge about career selection, job searching, balancing life and work, identifying success and how to achieve it all.  She shares this wisdom in her books and counselling sessions. Whether working one on one or offered through college programs, community action groups or business organizations, personal or virtual, Donna’s message is one of realistic, hands on methods to change your life.  Her testimonials offer validation that the message is one that is impactful and life changing.

 She dedicated the first half of 2020 to writing the Job Searching in Pandemic Times book with a mission to help the millions who have been negatively impacted by job loss during these stressful times.  Her personal sessions, community sponsored events, whether virtual or personal, provide a powerful message of realistic help.


Conquering the Life-Balance Hoax: One Woman’s Journey from Despair to Millionaire

This book aims to help you create the life that is best for you by no longer following someone else’s agenda and creating your life of peace and happiness. You will learn about the steps I took to become a millionaire, but this is not simply a book about how to make more money. Becoming a millionaire was certainly a goal for me that I achieved several times over, but living happily, peacefully, surrounded by love was my ultimate goal. I did it and I will help  you identify the path that will bring you happiness.


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Job Searching In Pandemic Times

During Cornell’s 20+ years running firms in the recruitment and search industry, she led her organization to consistently exceed industry standards. Nationally, when the hiring ratios were 6 to 1 (meaning that it took six referrals and interviews of candidates for someone to be hired), Cornell’s organization had ratios of two to one. With 8 offices in 4 states her company excelled at successfully placing top talent with a wide variety of national clients. She firmly believes achieving those statistics was because of the in-depth insider’s approach and coaching direction given to the candidates before they went on an interview. She shares those strategies in this book. While indeed a successful entrepreneur, Donna has blended her accomplishments and talents with a devotion to help others. Her community volunteerism has generated national recognition for her “above and beyond” accomplishments.

She dedicated the first half of 2020 to writing the Job Searching in Pandemic Times book with a mission to help the millions who have been negatively impacted by job loss during these stressful times.

Buy it today on Amazon.